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5 logos that will blow your mind

Everyone is trying to say something, brands are telling us to drink this, eat that, live like him, and think like that, but only a select few resonate with us. These brands have changed the way we think and see the world.

It's interesting to think about these big brands and their distinguishable characteristics. We’re able to understand and identify each one, to the point where we don’t even need a logo, but simply the words ‘Think Different’.

When we combine Nike’s ‘just do it’ attitude with Pepsi, we get something quite interesting. We’re saying exactly what both of these brands want to say, but the result is slightly obnoxious. ‘Just drink it.’ Pepsi is like Coca Cola’s younger brother, (the eldest is always the favourite) Pepsi just can’t pull it off.

Pepsi & Nike

Apple & NIke

KitKat & kellogg's

Amazon & Ebay

Instagram & LG