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Top 6 Books All Marketers Should Read

Photo by Serge Kutuzov on Unsplash

We’ve read 100’s of marketing book’s over the years and there are some that stand out over others. Below are our top 6 books for any marketer that wants to learn more about what makes good advertising. This was not easy to narrow down to six, as there are so many books out there that are worth reading. This is in no particular order as they are all great and all worth a read.

1, Ogilvy On Advertising by David Ogilvy

This takes it back to basics but the basics that are vital for your business to thrive. It’s also been updated recently to be more relevant to today's world. There are a few basic rules in advertising that should be done first and foremost and this covers them with great detail.

2. The Choice Factory by Richard Shotton

If you want to know anything about how your customers respond to messages on a scientific level then this is the book for you. Behavioural economics is new to marketing and some cases advertising agencies have been using it for years without really labelling it, this book goes through a number of proven example that can help improve profits to your business.

3. Hegarty on Advertising by John Hegarty

This is a great book by one of the great creative advertising minds of our era. He talks about the human aspect of advertising. It feels like a very personal read as if you’re there with him in the room. John Hegarty helped start Saatchi & Saatchi and then went on to create his own agency BBH, he’s done some of the UK’s most famous advertising and this book is a great insight into his mind.

4. One Plus One Equals Three by Dave Trott

Another great book by a UK advertising legend, it’s basically like a collection of blogs and if you have read any of Dave Trott's blogs, it’s well worth a read. His South East London tone and humour definitely comes out in this book. He tells great stories that are not only educational but imbedded with an excellent point in the end.

5. Purple Cow by Seth Godin

If you don’t know who Seth Godin is and you work in marketing then you’ve probably been hiding in a closet. Seth is known as the godfather of modern-day marketing and this book breaks down the reasons why brands are successful and why they aren’t. He tells great stories throughout the book on how brands or products need to be ‘remarkable’ or they will fail in today's world.

6. Contagious: Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger

This is a great insight into why things ‘go viral’, Jonah gives some great examples of some products or brands that have taken off and he breaks down the reasons why they took off. Every marketer wants their brand to ‘go viral’ and this book is the closest thing you’ll get to a ‘how-to’ guide in doing so.