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Best 5 marketing blogs

Photo by Tianyi Ma on Unsplash

Dave Trott

We’ve mentioned his books here before and also his blog but we have to add this in as it’s rich with great stories that make too much sense. Regularly updated with stories that will sometimes blow your mind, each blog has a point about the advertising industry or how we should do things. It’s worth a read.

The Ad Contrarian

Bob Hoffman is the anti-online advertising guy not that this should scare you away, he backs it up with loads of facts. It’s more the ‘horseshit’ (to quote his words) that the industry spits out about the effectiveness of online that he hates. His witty writing style keeps you engaged with every post and he regularly updates, especially when there’s been some ‘horseshit’ that has been said about online or social advertising.

Seth Godin has been mentioned a few times on here but there’s a reason for this, he’s smart and he knows a lot about marketing. Seth writes EVERY. DAY. so you’ll be sure to have a bunch of content to get through if you’ve never read anything of his. Sometimes it’s a small thought or a long blog but it’s always interesting.

BBH labs

This blog is owned by the great UK Agency BBH, started by Sir John Hegarty. BBH Labs is rich with insights and stories from the advertising world. It’s regularly updated with interesting thoughts and ad stuff. Their ‘World Cup of…’ is worth a look at. 


Hootsuite is the blog of their social media app for marketers. It’s got loads of interesting blogs on ‘How to’s’ and ‘The best 20…’. Mostly based on social media and online industry, it’s great for marketers to find out vital information if they’re a little stuck.